Friday 24 October 2014

Busy few days :)

We've had a busy week so I haven't been able to blog much. :(
Quick random blog post :)
Aiden and his cousin Olivia are so close, it is amazing.
When I lived in Nottingham a year ago, Aiden would come down to visit family for around a week every 3 months. However they weren't used to each other, they used to argue constantly, fight and not share toys- to the point that Aiden was afraid of his little cousin!

But fast-forward a year down the line, they are the best of friends.
They see each other most days and they both make me so proud everyday.
Aiden & Olivia will often sing songs together and have a proper conversation. Don't get me wrong, of course sometimes they may argue, not share or push each other. But this time, its like they are completely different children, who always greet each other with a hug and kisses.

So today, Aiden, Olivia, My sister-in-law, Partner and I went to soft play because it was hammering down with rain.
Aiden & Olivia ran around holding hands, picked each other up when they fell over but had a few funny arguments.
My partner loved it more than the kids, he dived straight into the ball pit and got his bum stuck while sliding down the slide.(haha!)

Quote of the day-
Olivia: *crying*
Aiden: Aww come on now Weeia don't you start; be a big girl now :)

Mammy Jones x

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